Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 3

Three days in! I’m so proud of all of you for committing. How’s are you feeling? More confident on the step? More coordinated? Less out of breath? I know I feel it in my calves and glutes. Be sure to take note of the little things—they add up, even when the scale doesn’t change.

Today is Day 3: STRONGER. The pace will be slower, but that doesn’t mean it’s easier, sorry, not sorry. :) You’re going to feel the burn in the 3 Transformers today: 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop. Make sure you write these down; you’ll thank yourself over the next 6 weeks.


How’s your nutrition? Take a few minutes to answer the questions below.

1) Are you tracking your food?
2) How is your water intake? Make 1/2 your body weight your minimum goal.
3) Are you eating breakfast? If not, PLEASE change this up. If it’s because you’re not hungry, try scaling your dinner back, or eating dinner earlier. I wake ready for food almost every day!
4) Are you struggling with nighttime eating? I’m lazy enough that walking upstairs to brush my teeth will usually keep me from munching further :) Try that. Have other tips? share in the comments below.
5) Are you hungrier? You might need more food if you’re starving and not seeing any weight loss or non-scale victories. We want to burn fat, not muscle.
6) Any special meals or recipes you want to share? I’m always up for trying new, clean recipes. Share below!

Snack tip: If you find your appetite increasing - one of my favorite grab-and-go items is Beachbody Beachbar. It truly has the best macros on the market, even better than #kindbar or #larabar and 10 grams of protein and only 150 calories. I always keep one packed in my bag because life hands you curve balls…it just does! I work too hard in these 20 minutes to get derailed with a candy bar or coffee that does nothing for my goals and is more expensive and no nutrients. Don’t get caught surprised!!

Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 2

How are you feeling today? It’s Day 2 already and today is FASTER; which is exactly as it sounds. There’s more cardio focus than yesterday, with an emphasis on footwork and form. Pace yourself and modify as needed! There’s no shame in pausing or rewinding, I have to do that often to make sure I get the move right. Your 3 Transformers are: Over Top, X Jack (not my favorite); L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.

Need a “spring in your step” to help you push further and get more from your 20 minutes? Energize is my go-to fuel to power me through my workouts and Ironman actually uses our Performance Line at their races. I think that’s rad because I hold them to a very high standard in the fitness world. One of the key ingredients is beta-alanine, which helps increase muscle carnosine levels to help buffer muscle acid buildup, increase power output, and delay muscle fatigue.

FYI - When you drink Energize you might notice a tingling feeling shortly after you drink it. This is a normal reaction to beta-alanine, an amino acid in Energize, but not everyone notices this. It often subsides when you start exercising and with regular use so don’t be alarmed.

Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 1

Today is GO day!!! Chapter 1: COMMIT

Look at my little guy watching in.  We do this for US, but they are taking it all in too.  Great role modeling what health looks like!

Look at my little guy watching in. We do this for US, but they are taking it all in too. Great role modeling what health looks like!

This is Day 1: BURN. You’ll be moving from the first minute to the last, so get ready to sweat for nonstop action for 20 minutes. Shaun T will take you through a series of moves on the step to push you to dig deep. There are three Transformers (1 minute challenges): Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.

Record how many you reps you do for each transformer so you can aim to beat this week over week. You might think you’ll remember, but you won’t, trust me. He works us so well that sometimes I forget by the end of the workout! I encourage you to take a video of yourself doing these challenges because it’s the best way to ensure proper form.

When you’re done with today’s workout, share with everyone your thoughts about the workout! Did you sweat? Was it fun? Did you hate it ;))) (that’s ok too)! How amazing and motivating is Shaun T? Get ready for tomorrow.

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 7

this group is going to feel like family after 6 weeks together :) Our challenge group will too!

this group is going to feel like family after 6 weeks together :) Our challenge group will too!

Tomorrow is the day!!! Anyone else exi-nervous??? haha (I totally overuse that word from Frozen movie in my life) Today is the day to take your “before” photos and measurements. Don’t overlook this important step because you’re likely not going to lose weight every week. And since muscle weighs more than fat, you might stay flat or gain even so knowing your measurements are improving is the key to success and not quitting. Your attitude is everyone so set yourself up for success. As an extra incentive, if you keep track of your photos, weight, and measurements, you can enter the Beachbody Challenge when you finish the program by visiting Last year’s prize recipients each won $25,000!!! Not too shabby! You' also get 1 free t-shirt each year you submit results.

Now, here’s how to make the most of tomorrow, DAY 1:

  • Plan your meals for the day. If you’re ok with leftovers, you can get extra credit and plan days at a time. I personally love leftovers so I have 3 days worth of breakfast and lunch at a time with usually an extra dinner.

  • Take your Shakeology and Beachbody Performance supplements (Energize, Hydrate and Recover are highly recommended)

  • Have your step, towel, and water bottle ready

  • Make sure you have the 6-Week Transformation Tracker and Wall Calendar/Tracker to track your Transformers

  • Watch Episode 1 of Transform Your Life with Shaun T.

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 6

Eating out can still fit with your goals!

Eating out can still fit with your goals!

One thing I want everyone to remember is that this group is for YOU, all of you. So, post any and all pics of how you’re doing. Some prefer to post their before pics, but please at least share meals, Shakeology, Performance Line, successes and obstacles, or when you need help in some area. We are all here to help, but as your coach, I can’t coach you if I don’t know how / what you’re doing. This is so helpful for me and those that post ALWAYS get better results! It’s a FACT!

One thing I love about Shaun T is that he has an incredibly motivating style that makes me want to dig DEEP and WORK! And he always says, “Get your body tight and your mind right.” In Transform :20, you’ll notice that he’s just as focused on your personal transformation as the physical transformation and I love that. He believes “it’s not just about the after photo.” And he’s here to motivate and inspire you and give you strength to conquer any obstacle and any challenge in your life—that’s what Transform: 20 is all about. Weigh yourself at the beginning for a starting point, and then forget about the scale and stick to your plan, watch how your clothes fit and how much stronger you’re getting.

Think about some of the challenges / obstacles you’re facing in life right now and commit to use these 6 weeks to get stronger and change our mindset.

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 5

steph shakeo.jpg

2 more days till we start Transform :20, so let’s formulate a plan. We start the program Monday and go 6 straight days with rest day being Sunday. Sunday is perfect for a stretch routine, nice walk, or enjoying family time. This is also the day to watch Transform Your Life with Shaun T for info regarding the upcoming week.

Your body will be craving nutrients as it burns calories so make sure to review the Beachbody Nutrition Guide so you can prep and plan. Remember the saying, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.: It couldn’t be more true and there will be days, guaranteed, where life throws you curve balls. Don’t let it get you off course.

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 4

You can also make Shakeology bowls.  This is vegan vanilla Shakeology, ⅓-1/2 cup water (preference, start small and add as you need), ⅔ c blueberries, 1 tsp clean dar roasted PB.  It’s delicious, no blender needed and perfect for traveling!

You can also make Shakeology bowls. This is vegan vanilla Shakeology, ⅓-1/2 cup water (preference, start small and add as you need), ⅔ c blueberries, 1 tsp clean dar roasted PB. It’s delicious, no blender needed and perfect for traveling!

My favorite part of Transform 20 is you need no equipment. The step is optional i you’re ready to push yourself, but if you’re traveling, there’s no reason to miss a workout. You can still burn mega calories just on the carpet.

Watch the Step Safety video I previously mentioned, and print your Wall Calendar/Tracker if you didn’t get it with your order. These 2 trackers are so important to staying on track and seeing improvements each week.

Make sure you’re Shakeology and Beachbody Performance Line supplements are on auto-ship because you’ll need 2 months worth to complete the program and you don’t want to miss a day. You’re going to want all the firepower you can get. Let me know if you have questions.

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 3

Make sure to familiarize yourself with Beachbody On Demand for the Workouts and Program Materials. Here’s what you’ll find:


  • All 6 weeks of workouts

  • Get Ready to Transform – Shaun T created this overview of all things Transform :20, including what materials are available to you

  • Step Safety – This is super important! Make sure you watch this one to see how to properly use the Step for all moves. Remember, form over speed ALWAYS! Injuries are not fun and will set you back even more!

  • Transform Your Life with Shaun T – Behind the scenes with Shaun T and the cast for real-life motivation and transformations. This cast is awesome and a few are friends of mine. All are coaches I think :)


Transformation Tools:

  • Get Started Guide – Complete overview of the program and workouts, plus 5 simple steps to do before you start

  • 6-Week Transformation Tracker – Journal to keep track of what you eat, your workouts, your daily progress, and get daily motivation from Shaun T

  • Wall Calendar/Tracker – Overview of each day’s workout with spaces to track your Transformers

  • Hybrid Calendar – Follow this calendar if you plan on incorporating the 6 bonus weighted workouts. Bonus workouts can replace Cut or Stronger, or be added on before / after the other for even more intensity. Listen to your body and watch the clock to see if you have more in you.

  • Beachbody Nutrition Guide – Select your eating plan (either 2B Mindset or portion controlled containers) and use the guide to customize for you. There are some amazing recipes in this guide too. My favorite is the Sweet Potato Hash, Apple Sauce and Shakeology recipes. Remember when choosing from the food lists, the higher to the top, the more nutrients in the food.

What are your goals for Transform :20? What do you hope to get out of this incredible program over the next 6 weeks?

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 2

Your first thought is probably “a step”… and then either, “I used to love step aerobics” or “my mom used to do step aerobics.” Trust me, this isn’t your mom’s step aerobics or Jazzercise! And for those who don’t love step workouts, STICK AROUND because Shaun T has transformed them so this is not your average step class :) This is functional fitness that only he can pull off in 20 minutes. True story - I did his Insanity Max 30 video at home and burned more calories than the Insanity class at the gym which was 60 minutes. You can try, but you just can’t duplicate his intensity, motivation, excitement, etc. Here are more details on the program.

  • 6 days a week for 6 weeks

  • 3 two-week chapters: COMMIT, CLIMB, and CONQUER

  • Each day features three Transformers, which are 1-minute challenges from Shaun T. You’ll write down how many you complete for each one and try to beat this each week. You are your only competition. The rest of the workout will change, but the Transformers will remain the same.

  • New to fitness or haven’t worked out in awhile? There are modifiers who don’t use a step at all, and there are modifiers who use only one riser. This is for all ages and levels.

Shaun T has always been known for his motivation and in this program especially he focuses on your mindset and internal things you have going on…way beyond the scale and your fitness. You can’t change if nothing changes, right?

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 1


Welcome to our Transform :20 Challenge Group!

Who’s excited about Transform: 20? I know I am. Shaun T, a step, and only 20 minutes a day! Sounds too good to be true and I was quite the skeptic myself UNTIL 20 minutes after I started! Ha! The #1 goal in this group is for us to support, and challenge, each other every day, every step, every hurdle, toward completing Transform :20. Share your goals and challenges, including your transformations over the next 6 weeks. You never know who you’re going to motivate and this is about community, not just the individual.

So, who’s ready for 20 minutes of nonstop F U N? That’s right, there’s no rest until we finish. What else would you expect from Shaun T? I call it “INSANITY on a step!” If you’re new to Shaun T, get ready for the workout of your life and motivation like you’ve never had before. We’re going to be sweaty and for those that have missed lots of cardio in LIIFT4 and 80 Day Obsession - no more complaining. It’s here and this is your time! We are transforming our butt, abs, arms, and legs, plus every day, including rest days, you’ll be drinking Shakeology to give your body the nutritional foundation needed to help tackle Transform20. On workout days, you’ll also drink Beachbody Performance Energize (before) and Recover (after) to help get the best results possible from your workout.

To kick off these 6 weeks together, lets get to know each other and share:

  1. Why are you excited for Transform:20 and what are your goals during these 6 weeks?

  2. Where do you live and what do you do for work (or SAHM)?

  3. Which Shakeology flavor(s) do you drinking and which Beachbody Performance supplement(s) do you take? What’s the favorite thing you’ve noticed since you started being consistent with these.

  4. How can our challenge group best help you reach your goals and motivate you?

Make sure you’re ready for day 1. Test out the 10 min preview workouts on Beachbody On Demand and save the Program Materials. You’ll want to track your transformer progress week over week so print that out if you didn’t order the printed materials with your digital content.

Happy #13 Anniversary to us!


Awwwww, my sweet hubby outdid himself. I was hoping not to get too much chocolate and well, I got none. So there you go! haha I know you might think I just jumped off the crazy train, but don’t worry, I haven’t, I just know that I have no self control and this LIIFT4 experience has been amazing and I’m not letting anything derail me from feeling less than great…except maybe champagne :)

We hit up Malt, which we visited last year for a date night when we first moved here and it was so delicuious and they were so accommodating, that I was dying to go back. When you’re lactose intolerant and you tell and chef that and he replies, “what does that mean?” you know there’s going to be trouble tonight. Malt has this dialed in and I feel I can rest easy that I won’t be sick all night. And how sweet of them to give us this Champagne split to take home and toast to, with a thougthful anniversary card!

I think you won’t believe this when I tell you, he food was amazing, and I have no pictures to prove it! But, it is true. I was so caught up in conversation with this man and thinking about our journey from san Diego, California, to Houston, Texas (which we never saw coming, but were certain it was our “forever” home till retirement” and now to Brisbane, Australia (which we again, never could have dreamed up!). But life is good and full of adventures and the best part is having someone to grow old with and share all these moments with.

Our anniversary isn’t “officially” till October 8th, but with traffic and late work meetings which happen more requently than I’d like to admit, I was worried we might bump our celebration and I didn’t want that. Travis is withouth a doubt the chef in the family. He enjoys cooking, and even finds it relaxing. Did you read that? R E LA X I N G. Who is this mate? So, he’s always cooked for me, but since he works late through the week, I pulled off Kangaroo, asparagus with parmesan and parsley and I replaced pesto linguini with arugula and cherry tomatoes to stay in line with “veggies most.” Y’all, if you’re not doing it, 2B Mindset is the easiest thing ever. Message me to ask questions. I’m Certified in it now and feel like this is the answer for 99.9% of people! Yes, that means it will work for you too!

No Bake Cookies

Granola bar options (great for school lunches, morning tea, afternoon tea, etc)

Granola bar options (great for school lunches, morning tea, afternoon tea, etc)

I’ll be honest, I’m not usually a fan of “no bake cookies” so I was skeptical of these and only made 1/2 of the recipe in case they weren’t good. I am not throwing good food away so it pains me to waste peanut butter or chocolate, let alone BOTH in the same recipe. I mean, who does that?!?!? That being said, these were AMAZING and D E V O U R E D the same day we made them, so take my advice, make the full recipe, or double it :) I imagine these will freeze well and I’ll test it out with the next batch since we start school again Monday.

I am very cautious searching for 21-day fix recipes on Pinterest because you have NO IDEA what the person knows who posted it and I see recipes ALL THE TIME with brown sugar, white flour, etc which right there tell me… NOT 21 DAY FIX APPROVED. I hate to see my clients get derailed and waste their time, so this is why Fixate Cookbook is money in the bank! It covers all your meals, snacks and treats. TREATS y’all, not cheats. Lets use the proper mindset so we enjoy life and don’t punish ourselves or think it’s not ok for a treat here or there. Every day is an issue, but none of us are doing that. If you are, chat me up so we can talk and I can help!

Here’s the recipe as I modified it:
-1 cup creamy peanut, or almond, butter (watch ingredients, should only be peanuts, possibly salt, but not added sugar or oil!!)
-2/3 cup honey (*fun tip - buy local honey to prevent allergies!)
-1/3 cup olive oil (or 1/2 cup coconut oil)
-2 tsp vanilla
-6 TBSP cocoa powder
-2 1/4 cup QUICK oats (I find old fashioned soaks up the honey and makes this too dry)

Combine nut butter, oil and honey over low heat in a saucepan until all creamy and mixed well. Remove from heat and pour in oats, vanilla and cocoa powder. When everything is mixed well you can drop in round balls for “cookies”, pour into an 8x8 pan for “granola bars”, or roll into balls to serve as finger foods for afternoon tea.

21 day fix container counts: Cookies - makes 24-30 and roughly 1 yellow container.

Step 1 (maybe after you licked the spoon - just saying!)

Step 1 (maybe after you licked the spoon - just saying!)

Step 2 - oh my word this looks scrumptious

Step 2 - oh my word this looks scrumptious

Step 3 - Yeah, I want to dig right in too. I do usually for QC. :)

Step 3 - Yeah, I want to dig right in too. I do usually for QC. :)

Kangaroo - On the Barbie!

Directions: marinate to liking, cook 5 min each side, then remove from heat and cover for 10 min.

Directions: marinate to liking, cook 5 min each side, then remove from heat and cover for 10 min.

Should be served medium rare. This is perfection!

Should be served medium rare. This is perfection!

I rarely ever cook red meat because I’m always nervous I’ll overcook it, but I met this mom at Cole’s grocery store that swore by this Kangaroo steak and said her kids LOVE it! She also warned me that kangaroo cooks super fast (good to know) and that if I followed the instructions on the package, it would be cooked-to-perfection! Well, that IS my goal and I’m a totally rule follower so I figured I could handle this.

Not to toot my own horn, but this turned out PERFECT! May husband was even nervous and asked “why don’t you wait till I come home and I can cook it.” haha Nope, I’m on it mate :) I love eating rare - medium rare steaks, lamb and Roo so Travis’s main job is to man the barbie! I’m lucky to be married to him, but especially since he loves to cook!

Here was my oldest son’s comment after one bite… “hey mum, can’t dad call Uber Eats so we don’t have to save him any?” 🤗💁🏼‍♀️😂 I’ll admit, I considered it, but I needed to prove just how tasty this was. There was 1/2 a steak leftover so I saved it for myself for brekky the next morning and 💥 was it delish, even reheated!!! I will be buying this again FOR SURE!!! Let me know if you try it.

Arugula, sauteer veggies, kangaroo steaks

Arugula, sauteer veggies, kangaroo steaks

toast w/ arugula, over-easy egg, avocado and kangaroo on the side.

toast w/ arugula, over-easy egg, avocado and kangaroo on the side.

Poki bowls + date night with mommy!

I wasn’t naughty so I enjoyed this.  Treat, and move on. No guilt because I’m not “cheating.” I decide each day if it will be a weight loss day on 2B Mindset.

I wasn’t naughty so I enjoyed this. Treat, and move on. No guilt because I’m not “cheating.” I decide each day if it will be a weight loss day on 2B Mindset.

Sometimes y’all I can’t even believe what this kid eats?! Look 👀 at his dinner 👇🏻. This is the same kid who wouldn’t even TOUCH a vegetable in the USA 🇺🇸, and now he’s devouring meals like this (🥦, 🌽 edamame, spinach and Salmon over rice and ponzu sauce). I love it 😍 He might ave touched it before, only in passing as he tossed it to our dog, Bella.

If you want advice, we used the “Eat It or Starve” methodology 😂😂 and it worked wonders. hahahaha A few days of early bedtimes and here we are today! 🤜🏻🤜🏻🤜🏻

My meal doesn’t look much different except it’s bigger, and has more veggies. This is the PERFECT 👌🏻 2B dinner. Then, “dinner and done”, except for tonight. He might have lost dessert for bad behavior, but I didn’t! ✌🏻✋🏻

Joy of Cooking + Cadbury Chocolate = LOVE

Does this make you want to lick the beater? Yeah, I did me too and I didn’t regret it. 2B Mindset - “Enjoy the treat, and move on.”

Does this make you want to lick the beater? Yeah, I did me too and I didn’t regret it. 2B Mindset - “Enjoy the treat, and move on.”

I couldn’t decide between milk and dark chocolate so I added both! No one will complain, I’m sure of it :)

I couldn’t decide between milk and dark chocolate so I added both! No one will complain, I’m sure of it :)

Dear Illiana, 
Normally I’d feel like a fraud today 🤦🏼‍♀️. I know you’ve been working on my mindset for 2 months now, and I thank you 😍. 

I know I have chocolate addictions 🍫, stress eat, emotional eat 😷 and am a rockstar at my diet, and then —> all about the cookie 🍪 dough and brownie batter. After rocking it during LIIFT4, today, my MOM WOULDN’T ANSWER HER PHONE 📱and a tropical storm is headed for my hometown in N.C. So, I’m letting you know, cookie dough 1, Stephanie 0!!! 

But here’s the gain!!! I would have normally considered this a CHEAT, thrown in the towel for the rest of the day, and it would be a downward spiral of nothing good. But you’ve given me the tools in 2B Mindset to 1) enjoy the treat, and 2) move on with my water first, veggies most, “plate it” plan and 3) let the rest of the day be just that, my regular day and still pull off some victories. Every day does not have to be a weight loss day and I get to chose that and am in teh driver’s seat.  

I love the guilt free, easy, smart methodology you teach. I can totally overlook that you’re a Dietician for UCLA and this Trojan fan still loves 😘😘 you. 

Game on tomorrow 🤗, but today IS NOT DONE💁🏼‍♀️!!! Where my challengers at?!! You guys are proof this is FOR LIFE!!!

PS - can you smell the cookies? Joy of Cooking cookies, with Cadbury Milk Chocolate hidden inside so you can’t see = yummy surprise and delicious smells!

if you want the recipe, it’s here ——>

Preheat the oven to 375. Grease or line 2 cookie sheets.

Whisk together:
1 cup plus 2 Tbs all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda

Beat in a large bowl until well-blended:
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar

Add and beat until well combined:
1 large egg
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

Stir in the flour mixture until well-blended and smooth. Stir in 1 cup chocolate chips (I usually add an extra 1/2 cup because LIFE IS SHORT).

Drop the dough by heaping teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart on the cookie sheets. Bake, 1 sheet at a time, until the cookies are just slightly colored on top and the edges are brown, about 8 - 10 minutes. Let stand briefly, then remove to a rack to cool.

Makes about 36 cookies it says, but I call BS on that unless I really eat THAT MUCH DOUGH. I’m going to pretend it’s an exaggeration because this recipe has never yielded that???

Vegan Pumpkin Spice is LIVE TODAY!


Guess what happens today?!?! Vegan Pumpkin Spice Shakeology goes on sale and by day end, there will be no more :( So, what does this mean for you?? It means at 10:30am PST / 12:30pm CST / 1:30pm EST you’ll need to log in to your account and order ASAP!! There is a 5 box max per order, with 20 box max per account. If you’re like me, I can’t get enough of Pumpkin Spice in the fall, although honestly, I love it all year long!!

Starbucks already has it on their shelf, but it’s more expensive, more calories, less protein and it’s not helping anyone hit their resolution goals if being healthier!! It helps my business because people need help to lose weight after, but that’s not my goal! I want to help you stay away from the sweets and this is what will do it!

Grab a box now (14 packets) and join my next challenge group on October 1st!! I have 2 program-specific groups starting:

-LIIFT4 (8 weeks) - exercise 4 days and rest, or active recovery, the other 3! All workouts are 30-40 min long and focus on weights, HIIT cardio and core. It’s the full package, but we exercise to live, not live to exercise.

-21 Day Fix / 21 Day Fix Extreme (21 days) - 6 days a week, 30 minutes or less and combo of weights and cardio.

We are going to head into the holidays healthy, and lose weight, while everyone else is in a slump from all the calories, lack of nutrients and lack of energy. BUT NOT YOU. NOT THIS YEAR!! Lets write 2018 differently!

Join me now!

Sundays are prep days!!


You might not like to prep, but you can’t dislike it more than me. Sundays I’m like…really? it’s been 7 days already? But, Monday thru Saturday NEVER EVER go as planned. When that happens, Uber Eats sounds convenient, something from the freezer, etc and I always wish I had food on hand. I’m a huge fan of leftovers since I don’t enjoy cooking and it saves my butt S E V E N days a week. Try it.

Here’s my secret… Give the kids a game in the other room or an outdoor activity, pour yourself a glass of wine, turn on some good music and prepare to knock out a lot in 1-2 hours.

My go to list is:
-boil 6 eggs
-wash & chop veggies (leave 1/2 raw, bake 1/2)
-steam sweet potatoes
-grill 4-6 chicken breasts (depending on how busy the week is and if I’ll be home for lunch, also I prefer thighs so I mix it up)
-cook bacon (I do this Sunday morning so we can enjoy it fresh and then cook an extra 8-10 pieces for the week and do this about every other week.
-we also double our Saturday and Sunday breakfasts if we do something using the stove (ie pancakes, waffles, french toast, dutch baby - I like to have extra on hand for fast breakfast before school).


These smell just as amazing as they taste and I use the veggies in omelettes, as sides, in salads, on wraps, the options are really endless and they’re gone before they go back. For a family of 4, this baking sheet lasts us about 3 days. I use ANY veggie I have on hand in the fridge: zucchini, carrots, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, and beets. It’s a great way to use up veggies that are close to turning too and it keeps it exciting by always being different. I spray olive oil on it and sea salt, italian herb seasoning and in the oven it goes. Let me know if you try it and what you think.

breakfast taco with sautéed veggies

breakfast taco with sautéed veggies

leftover Florentine Meatloaf (see earlier post) and sautéed veggies

leftover Florentine Meatloaf (see earlier post) and sautéed veggies

Shift Shop Proving Ground launches Oct 22!

Yall, you want to watch this video. YOU DO! I love that the modifier in here is a coach friend of mine, a plus size model, a super successful woman and has a goal of losing over 100 lbs. And she knows it’s not easy, but her arse is not going to give up or cheat. Believe me, I know her and she has willpower like I’ve never seen!

Shift Shop is a “bootcamp-like” workout and It's pretty rad and more "bootcamp-ish" which is fun. I love to do this outside in the yard or on my patio and my kids LOVE joining in! I was fortunate to be in the Elite Coach Test Group when the original program launched last May and now the super motivating, Chris Downing has added 4 new videos. We are going to re-shuffle it all so be ready to shock your body and lean it out, build it up and start from the inside out!

The other exciting part is Chris’s meal plan works well with Whole30, Keto and Paleo diets because it’s low carbs (week 3 is no grains all together) and it is delicious! It’s one of my top favorite plans so far! Check out my Shift Shop approved recipes here!

Screenshot 2018-09-14 17.23.29.png

This North Carolinian #nailedit - 1st slaw attempt!

4 skinless organic chicken thighs. sliced in 1/2 long way so thin and long (won’t fall out of bread as easily)

4 skinless organic chicken thighs. sliced in 1/2 long way so thin and long (won’t fall out of bread as easily)

I know I’m NO FOOD BLOGGER and these pictures are messy, but my sense of pride is 🤗🤗🤗. I made my first slaw and it was good!!! If you’re from North Carolina, making good slaw is A. BIG. DEAL. 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️ And something you must get right. You now are very aware that I like to eat clean. I feel better and my body responds better so I didn’t want a super creamy, mayonnaise based slaw because I’d feel bad afterwards and what’s the fun in that??

This is also 100% 2B Mindset approved and I used the “plate it” methodology. That means you don’t measure and that means FREEDOM! I didn’t measure the slaw or the chicken or worry about any points, calories, containers, etc. Winning for sure!!!

Prep time: 5 minutes if you buy the slaw per-made ;)

- 1 TBSP honey
- 1 TBSP plain mustard (I tried the first batch with grainy mustard as recipe said and didn’t find it rich in flavor). you could opt for honey mustard and forgo adding a full TBSP of honey above (I found it to be too much anyways
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- salt & pepper to taste
- 1 tsp celery seed, optional (I didn’t have any and it was fine without)

1) add all wet ingredients and stir well, then stir into slaw a little at a time. I didn’t need all the marinade so I saved some of it for my salad at lunch the next day (with the leftover chicken). Total win in my book to cook once and eat 2-3 meals from it!
2) Cook chicken breasts, chicken thighs, pulled pork, or whatever you fancy and add BBQ sauce.

For my husband I served these on burger rolls, but for the kid I used Orowheat “Thins” so they could finish it all. To make mine 2B Mindset approved I served the chicken over slaw and it was delightful!! I don’t eat carbs with my dinner because I’m winding down my day and not looks for carbs for more energy. That will be first thing tomorrow morning.

marinade - didn’t need this much for the amt of slaw I used

marinade - didn’t need this much for the amt of slaw I used

pre-made slaw with dressing on top. Serves 4.

pre-made slaw with dressing on top. Serves 4.

Cookie dough - thank me later!

vanilla cookie dough.jpg
vailla cookie dough 1.jpg

I know you’re thinking, yeah right. I would be too had I not tried it. If you know me well, you know that giving me baked cookies is like a mic drop. WHAT? I’ve literally had people drop off tubs of Tollhouse cookie dough and I think … “these people get me!” haha

-1 packet / scoop Vegan Vanilla Vanilla Shakeology *whey doesn't turn out as well
-tsp melted coconut oil
-2 tsp nut butter
-¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
-dash of salt (optional)
-1-2 TBSP dark chocolate chips (depending on your plan, you know how much you can have ;)

Mix it all together until it's the consistency of cookie dough and add a little more liquid if you prefer.  Then top with chocolate chips and enjoy!