Hope you had a nice rest day because today, we are back at it! It’s Day 22: BURN, and now that we’re on Week 4, it’s all about emptying the tank every single time you press play. We have passed the halfway mark now and Shaun T wants us to bring EVERYTHING for today’s 20 minutes. Your 3 transformers are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.
I want to encourage you during these next 3 weeks to share on social media, invite a friend over, workout outside. Mix it up a little. By now I bet you’re visually seeing changes and people are curious what you’re doing to get such great results. Have them join you and lets make this community even bigger! Everyone needs Shaun T in their life I think :)
Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 7
On this rest day, I really want you to focus on what you’ve accomplished so far. Committing to a new fitness program is challenging and sometimes brings up a lot of emotional thoughts about ourselves. Committing to an eating plan is even more difficult, but matters most. Which is harder for you to commit too… great eating or consistent exercise
One of the things I’ve loved about this program is the incredible motivation from Shaun T. He has so much wisdom and really makes me stop and think (when I can catch my breath!) haha. What’s something he’s said that’s really impacted you?
As with every rest day, check out Transform Your Life with Shaun T video. Remember: healthy body, healthy mind, healthy life. We want to be the full package!
Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 6
Last workout of the week - get excited!!! Tomorrow is R E S T DAY!!! It’s Day 20: BALANCED, and you’ll be in a great mood afterward because it’s part workout, part amazing stretch. The 3 Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. Don’t pass this over either because stretching and core work are so important and we will need a proper stretch before we start again Monday with Burn!
If you’ve missed some workouts or gotten off track with the nutrition, it’s OK, but don’t stay gone forever! Take a moment and think about what got you off track and maybe how you could have handled the distraction, event, etc differently. More surprises will come and we want to be prepared. Did you prep food? Was it willpower related? Were you embarrassed to say no? Share your victories below, no matter how small!
And then, FOCUS ON THOSE VICTORIES!! Remember we are all human and there is no perfection. Quite frankly there will be treats in life because otherwise, that would be boring and the first piece of cake would push the scale up. We want to make weight loss long term and wave goodbye forever to fat leaving our body. So don’t beat yourself up, but next time, decide if it’s really worth it when it comes to your goals. The answer might be yes, and that’s ok :)
Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 5
Never forget—this is YOUR group. I want you to share what you’re proud of, what’s been a challenge, how you’ve used your mind to overcome your body…. really anything that has been rattling around in your brain. WE WANT TO HEAR IT!! Shaun T always talks about getting out of your own head and this is for so many reasons! Make sure you’re not talking yourself OUT of things or speaking negativity to yourself.
Today is Day 19: CUT and you might remember from last week, we are on, off, over, next to, basically working that step for 20 solid minutes. Lets crush the 3 transformers: Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. Do it. Record it. Track your progress. Congratulate yourself.
Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 4
We’re nearing the end of Week 3 already, do you believe it? This is almost the halfway mark!??! I feel like Powerful is one of my hardest days, anyone else?!??!
This is Day 18: POWERFUL, and yes, you will feel mighty and unstoppable after this workout. Be proud when make it through, I did. High five someone or just say an affirmation to yourself outlaid like “damn girl, you ARE A BADASS!” So often we don’t recognize all our hardworking and accomplishments. Our 3 Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch (I love to hate these - LOL).
I want you to pause and look at the picture on the left, a fellow coach Micah F. She just had baby #4 seven months ago and is slowly working at getting back into fighting shape where she is comfortable and feeling her best (I mean, she already looks amazing in the picture on the left). This is just 2 weeks in and she only lost .4 lbs. A lot would think that meant “it’s not working” or she’s not doing enough, but quite the opposite. I think a lot has happened and without pictures or measurements, the scale would be telling her untrue things. Make sure you’re watching your nutrition. A nibble here and nibble there adds up. Also, take the pictures and do your measurements. No one is watching, just do it :) You might thank me, but you will certainly thank yourself!
Power Muffins - prep ahead ;)
I’ve written about these before, but they’ve been so popular amongst my challengers, that I was to share about them again. And there are so many ways to modify these Superfood / Power muffins, that I don’t want you to limit yourself to the recipe I shared HERE. Try adding 1 packet / scoop Vegan Vanilla Shakeology, or chopped apples / pears . When I made these this time I used liners to save on dishes and it made 14 instead of 12, so I’ll change the serving to 4.5 muffins for 3 days with an extra .5 muffin on a hungry day or later for snack.
These are great for any day, but I esp love them for 80-Day Obsession, LIIFT4 and Transform 20 where I find containers more helpful to follow. As written it’s 1R, 1G, 1Y and whether or not you use liners, the oil spray would be negligible so don’t count a tsp. If you add 1 fruit add .5P to each serving, or if you add Shakeology, add .5 R (rounding). I love warming them and adding 1 tsp peanut butter across the top. YUMMMM ;)
Let me know what you think! Here’s the batch I made today while on the phone…talk about multi-tasking! And it prevented me from tossing veggies we wouldn’t be able to eat before they were over due! #winning
NOTE - If you’re following 2B Mindset nutrition this would be a great breakfast with your FFCs and protein being equal and veggies for extra credit. Remember to drink 16 oz water first. :) #2bunnies
Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 3
How’s everyone doing with their daily Shakeology? Shakeology goes beyond just helping fill nutritional gaps with a healthy foundation of protein, probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamins. And with 70 Superfoods, it tastes like a milkshake, but drinks like a salad with protein. You cannot beat this price for what you get anywhere on the market; I’m convinced. Remember, I started out just like you as a customer and was price shopping, but you’re paying for the ingredients you put in your body and what they can do for you, so don’t get caught in the cheap-o protein shake that’s cheap-o ingredients.
Today is Day 17: STRONGER. You’ll feel these moves today and probably tomorrow as they are all about getting you stronger and leaner. Your 3 transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.
Make sure you’re logging your workouts, Shakeology, and anything else on your mind in your 6-Week Transformation Tracker. We draw random prizes so you never know when your posts really count!!
Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 2
I love FASTER. Such a fun way to power through this workout and I think since it’s so fast, it flies by even quicker. Kind of fun in a sick way :)
It’s Day 16: FASTER, which means a few new moves and a quicker pace. You’ll have to push to keep up, but I know we can all do it. Don’t forget there’s a modifier in every video. Our 3 Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.
What’s your favorite new move today? Share it below.
Don’t forget, food prep isn’t just on Sundays. Some like to do Sunday and Wednesday and prep a few days at a time, and others like to prep for 7 days at once. Whatever you find sets you up better for success, DO THAT! There’s no right or wrong answer. Post your clean cart or fridge photos pics below. I love seeing all the colors of the rainbow! So pretty and fresh!
Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 1
Chapter 2: CLIMB begins today! I hope you’re as excited as I am! This is the next phase where we take the foundation we’ve built over the last two weeks (Commit phase) and take things up a notch — a little faster, a little more intense, and a little more transformations. There are a few new moves so don’t get too comfortable! If you haven’t been drinking Energize, you’ll want it now to sharpen your focus and reaction time so you can stay focused and energized to crush today’s workout all twenty minutes.
Day 15: BURN. It’s all about fat burning and getting a good sweat. Today’s 20 minutes flies by. In this new chapter, the Transformers stay the same so hopefully you’ve been tracking your progress. Time to get ready for Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.
Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 7
CONGRATULATIONS! TODAY IS A BIG DAY! You’ve just finished Chapter 1: COMMIT. Be sure to grab your sticker, place it on your Step, and snap a pic and share it with everyone! Now, take a good minute to look over the last 2 weeks and see how far you’ve come. Want proof? Check your Transformers progress. I bet you’ve already noticed some changes and might even be shocked at some of the improvements.
For this Challenge Group, my main focus is to help as many people as I can achieve their goals; whether it’s losing weight, gaining muscle, or looking amazing at an event. Do you have someone in your life who could use a little encouragement along the path to being healthier and happier? Use today’s rest day to reach out to them and see how you can motivate them to reach THEIR goals.
Be sure to check out Transform Your Life with Shaun T for tips for the upcoming week. 6 more days of work coming our way, but for now, we rest. What will you be doing? I’m fishing with my boys in Morton Bay island. I’m not of a fishing person, but I sure like to eat the fresh catch.
Don’t forget to carve out 1-2 hours today to meal-prep for the week ahead. You will see so much success when you plan because it’s hard to get derailed when you have food in the fridge that would go to waste. Remember, abs are made in the kitchen and that’s because 70-80% of your results come from nutrition. Don’t discount the importance of this!
Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 6
Last day of the workout week, and last day of Chapter 1: COMMIT. Transform :20 is an intense program, and by now you’ve had to dig deep and really push to finish each day, but you’ve already finished Chapter 1. I almost don’t believe how fast this is flying by!!!
Day 13: BALANCED. Like last week, we’ll be mixing in stretches with our workout. Your body should be getting used to the pace and effort needed each day, do you feel that’s the case? Your 3 Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips.
I hope these transformation help motivate you, I know they motivate me! The scale didn’t change much here so had she not taken measurements and photos, she would have felt like noting changed. But that couldn’t be further from the truth, don’t you agree? What changes are you noticing already?
Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 5
Let’s do this! Day 12: CUT. This is all about getting that body tight. Transform :20 targets your glutes, core, abs, and upper body. Today’s workout is going to push you to to the limit. The 3 Transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. Don’t just blow over the picture above…read what’s on his arms. Conquer your mind, Transform your life. Let that sink in and really think about it over the next 4 weeks. Great bodies are wonderful, but unhealthy mindsets won’t appreciate them or even realize all that you’ve done. Start within for change.
Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 4
Even though we are in Week 2, we are still building a foundation for our fitness. Hopefully, you’ve begun to really harness your mind and get rid of negativity. No one is perfect and we weren’t designed to be. I love that Transform :20 is about body AND mind because we really need to be healthy in BOTH!
Let’s get sweating. Today is Day 11: POWERFUL, and although it will feel like last week’s POWERFUL, the workout is unique. Same energy, same effort, but it felt harder. Your 3 transformers are: Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch. I tied the first, lost the second and beat the third. Notice I said “lost the second,” not FAILED because there is no failing or bad workouts. We are here, showing up every day, even on rest day with nutrition so I don’t want to hear that word. Negative words / thoughts like that form quitters or mental blocks and we have no time for that. Shaun T wouldn’t allow it anyways :)
If you need a better protein filled snack that’s still low sugar and low calories, order some BEACHBARs next month with your Shakeology. Usually they’re discounted and free shipping so you can’t go wrong and the macros cannot be beat! They come in two tasty flavors, Cherry Almond or Peanut Butter Chocolate, and are both gluten-free.
Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 3
We are blasting through Transform :20 and you are doing GREAT.
Today is Day 10: STRONGER. Be sure you’re really focusing on how you’re transitioning on and off the step. Of course, safety first, speed second. Shaun T will be pushing you to focus and harness your mind today. Your 3 Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop. Don’t forget to record how you do in your Tracker because by now I know you’re seeing some strength gains.
Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 2
Hopefully by now, your body is used to these 20-minute workouts. Yes, they’re intense, but they’re also fast, giving you a really effective workout in a short amount of time. Get in, get out. I noticed right away that Shaun T is speeding things up and the moves are harder than last week. Remember, it’s ok to pause or rewind if you need to.
Day 9: FASTER. This is all about what your feet are doing, so make sure while you’re pushing yourself, you’re being mindful of step safety. Rewatch the Step Safety video if you need reminders. The 3 Transformers are: Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.
Don’t forget to stay hydrated. It’s recommended to drink AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces of water every day—and even more if you’re feeling thirsty or sweating a lot. That means if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water each day, at a minimum.
I made a really delicious Shakeology recipe today. What’s your favorite flavor? Got a good recipe to share; i want to hear it!!
Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 1
We are officially beginning Week 2. Whoot Whoot! Hopefully, your rest day yesterday fully recharged your batteries, because it’s time to work again.
Today is Day 8: BURN. Same philosophy as Day 1 last week, but the moves are different. By now, you’re seeing that no two workouts are the same—and that’s on purpose. It keeps things fun and fresh, and keeps your body guessing so it will keep growing and getting stronger.
One thing that ISN’T changing are the Transformers so we have Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman again. The hope is you’re tracking your progress by attempting the same challenges each and you’ll start seeing growth each week. Before we repeat these, you’ve had 6 more days of fitness which is 6 more days to be stronger!
How’s everyone feeling? Who needs an extra dose of motivation? Let’s cheer each other on!
Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 7
Our first rest day, and I definitely need it. How about you? One thing to remember on these rest days is that they’re not CHEAT days. So even though you aren’t working out, there’s no quitting your eating plan; you’re only cheating yourself. We all want great results, so keep your focus! Remember, 5 days of work can be lost on 2 days of play.
Looking back, what was your favorite part of Week 1? What are you most excited about for Week 2?
Don’t forget to watch Transform Your Life with Shaun T so you’re ready for the week ahead.
Keep using your 6-Week Transformation Tracker to track your workout; food, mood, Shakeology, Beachbody Performance; and read Shaun T’s daily motivational quote. I love his reflections.
Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 6
Bam! This is the last workout of the week, and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. Anyone have fun plans for rest day?
This is Day 6: BALANCED. What a great way to end the week! This has elements for your core as well as some great stretches, to help make sure your muscles are fully prepped for the day off tomorrow. Today’s 3 Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. Finish strong today! This is it for the week and then we RESTTTTT.
Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 5
Almost there! You’re doing great. But don’t take my word for it—let’s share with each other some words of encouragement. Share yours in the comments below—every bit helps, especially if you’re feeling like you need a little motivation.
Today is Day 5: CUT. This is all about reps, and lots of them. The pace is intense as always, so watch your feet and make sure you’re safely using the Step. The three Transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle.
How has your mood improved during Transform :20? What’s been your greatest motivation?
Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 4
One of the things you’ll notice is that even though the workouts are “only” 20 minutes, the amount of effort you’re putting into those 20 minutes is pretty incredible and might be the equivalent of a 45-60 min gym class elsewhere. True story, I’ve tracked it to compare.
Day 4, POWERFUL packs in cardio, total-body conditioning, and resistance moves to help build strength. The 3 Transformers are Parkour (fun!), Squat Reach (loved this), and Lunge Punch (hard for me).
You might really be feeling these 4 days of workouts, so it’s good to use Beachbody Performance Recover and Recharge today. Here’s how:
Beachbody Performance Recover is what you drink within 30 minutes after your workout. It helps replenish your muscles and supports muscle protein synthesis and growth. If you drink this within the allotted time it is ZERO CONTAINERS! If you forget and drink it later, it’s a red and you don’t benefit in the same way. This really does help you recover so get the most out of it post-workout.
Beachbody Performance Recharge is what you drink one hour before bed, to help support lean muscle growth and help build and repair muscle tissue while you sleep. It helps you wake up ready to crush your next workout.
Have you used either of these supplements? If so, tell us what differences you’ve noticed and which flavors are you favorite.